Thursday, November 15, 2012

New Study Shows Engaging White Men is Key to Improving ...

By Catalyst

Can diversity and inclusion education really help make white male-dominated corporate cultures more inclusive? Critics have cast doubt on whether such programs are effective. But a new Catalyst study indicates that diversity and inclusion education can have a measurable impact on workplace attitudes, behavior, and culture.

Catalyst surveyed people managers?mostly white men?from the North American sales division of Rockwell Automation, a global engineering company based in Milwaukee. These managers participated in leadership development programs created by White Men as Full Diversity Partners (WMFDP). Rockwell?s top leadership believed that these programs would engage white men as advocates and leaders of the organization?s diversity and inclusion efforts, ultimately helping them become more effective managers overall.

Key findings of Catalyst?s study include:

? An increase in workplace civility and decline in gossip (e.g., snide remarks and behind-the-back comments). In some work groups, participants rated the incidence of workplace gossip as much as 39 percent lower after the training, signaling improved communication and respect.

? Managers were more likely to acknowledge that inequality exists, and let go of the myth of meritocracy. After the training, the degree to which managers accepted the idea that white men have certain advantages that women and racial/ethnic minorities do not increased by 17 percent.

? Managers improved on five key inclusive behaviors. From seeking out varied perspectives to addressing emotionally charged matters more directly, managers sharpened several skills critical to leadership in today?s diverse business world.

? Having cross-racial friendships mattered. Managers without many prior cross-racial relationships changed the most after the training when it came to thinking critically about different social groups?they demonstrated a 40 percent
increase in critical thinking, versus a nine percent increase among managers who already had such relationships.

? Those who cared the least about exhibiting prejudice changed the most. After the training, the managers who were the least concerned about appearing prejudiced initially registered the most significant change?a 15 percent rate increase?in taking responsibility for being inclusive.

When companies begin to view white men as part of the solution rather than as part of the problem, the results can be dramatic indeed. This latest study in our Engaging Men series demonstrates the power of this perspective.

According to WMFDP?s co-founder, Michael Welp, ?WMFDP?s approach grows the awareness, courage, and skills needed to create a level of partnership most leaders don?t realize is possible. As lab participants, they are immersed in head-and-heart-level learning, and gain an experience of full diversity partnership that they carry into their personal and professional lives. As they address the complex and sometimes messy topics of diversity, they grow the critical leadership skills needed in today?s global business reality.?

Founded in 1962, Catalyst is the leading nonprofit membership organization expanding opportunities for women and business.


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