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Thursday, January 31, 2013
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The Pastime Shelf: 5 Essential Apps for the Home Handyman
As an owner of a smartphone, you already know that the device is useful for so much more than just making and receiving calls. You can keep yourself organised, productive and even entertained with a smartphone. There are apps for just about anything you could possibly want on each of the respective smartphone app marketplaces. If you are a do it yourself type and consider yourself a handyman around the house, there are several you should explore.
The Family Handyman
The Family Handyman is a free app that comes courtesy of the Reader's Digest magazine. It provides expert advice to people who are do-it-yourselfers around the home. You can get details on different ways to make repairs around your house and feel a great sense of accomplishment and pride afterward. You will get advice on creating more storage space, repairing plumbing and appliances, building furniture and about how to use tools.
Handy Man DIY
Handy Man DIY is one of the best for do it yourself types who are interested in making improvements on their home or starting a new home project. With it, you can determine how much paint, trim or flooring you will need simply by entering measurements so that the app can do the necessary math. There are helpful videos and instructions included that can assist you in any and all your home improvement projects.
Handyman Calculator
Handyman Calculator is a free app that is meant to help with all of your home improvement construction projects. It is easy to use and includes a variety of customizable calculators and supports various measurement systems.
HandyMate LITE
HandyMate LITE is a great free app for home improvement mavens. It includes geometry calculators, builder tools, multiple estimators, unit converters, scale and paper converters and more. Overall, it makes your life much easier as you prepare to undertake any number of do-it-yourself project
Easy Home Improvement Tips
Easy Home Improvement Tips is a free app that can help you to save time and money on your home improvement projects. It is essential for anyone who is a do-it-yourself type who needs a bit of advice on how to go about starting their next home project. You can get information on planning your do-it-yourself task, how to avoid common mistakes, how to increase the value of your property and on how to properly budget for your project.
All of these apps are wonderful if you prefer doing your own home improvement projects. They will make your life easier and are useful for experienced do-it-yourselfers as well as those who are more experienced.
The Author: Ryan is a Home Builder from Sydney, Australia. He says that Apps can be extremely handy when performing DIY jobs at home. For home DIY inspiration, Ryan recommends having a look at some of the Coral Homes display homes Sydney has to offer.
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Fossilized conduits suggest water flowed beneath Martian surface
Networks of narrow ridges found in impact craters on Mars appear to be the fossilized remnants of underground cracks through which water once flowed, according to a new analysis by researchers from Brown University.
The study, in press in the journal Geophysical Research Letters, bolsters the idea that the subsurface environment on Mars once had an active hydrology and could be a good place to search for evidence of past life. The research was conducted by Lee Saper, a recent Brown graduate, with Jack Mustard, professor of geological sciences.
The ridges, many of them hundreds of meters in length and a few meters wide, had been noted in previous research, but how they had formed was not known. Saper and Mustard thought they might once have been faults and fractures that formed underground when impact events rattled the planet's crust. Water, if present in the subsurface, would have circulated through the cracks, slowly filling them in with mineral deposits, which would have been harder than the surrounding rocks. As those surrounding rocks eroded away over millions of years, the seams of mineral-hardened material would remain in place, forming the ridges seen today.
To test their hypothesis, Saper and Mustard mapped over 4,000 ridges in two crater-pocked regions on Mars, Nili Fossae and Nilosyrtis. Using high-resolution images from NASA's Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter, the researchers noted the orientations of the ridges and composition of the surrounding rocks.
The orientation data is consistent with the idea that the ridges started out as fractures formed by impact events. A competing hypothesis suggests that these structures may have been sheets of volcanic magma intruding into the surrounding rock, but that doesn't appear to be the case. At Nili Fossae, the orientations are similar to the alignments of large faults related to a mega-scale impact. At Nilosyrtis, where the impact events were smaller in scale, the ridge orientations are associated with each of the small craters in which they were found. "This suggests that fracture formation resulted from the energy of localized impact events and are not associated with regional-scale volcanism," Saper said.
Importantly, Saper and Mustard also found that the ridges exist exclusively in areas where the surrounding rock is rich in iron-magnesium clay, a mineral considered to be a telltale sign that water had once been present in the rocks.
"The association with these hydrated materials suggests there was a water source available," Saper said. "That water would have flowed along the path of least resistance, which in this case would have been these fracture conduits."
As that water flowed, dissolved minerals would have been slowly deposited in the conduits, in much the same way mineral deposits can build up and eventually clog drain pipes. That mineralized material would have been more resistant to erosion than the surrounding rock. And indeed, Saper and Mustard found that these ridges were only found in areas that were heavily eroded, consistent with the notion that these are ancient structures revealed as the weaker surrounding rocks were slowly peeled away by wind.
Taken together, the results suggest the ancient Martian subsurface had flowing water and may have been a habitable environment.
"This gives us a point of observation to say there was enough fracturing and fluid flow in the crust to sustain at least a regionally viable subsurface hydrology," Saper said. "The overarching theme of NASA's planetary exploration has been to follow the water. So if in fact these fractures that turned into these ridges were flowing with hydrothermal fluid, they could have been a viable biosphere."
Saper hopes that the Curiosity rover, currently making its way across its Gale Crater landing site, might be able to shed more light on these types of structures.
"In the site at Gale Crater, there are thought to be mineralized fractures that the rover will go up and touch," Saper said. "These are very small and may not be exactly the same kind of feature we studied, but we'll have the opportunity to crush them up and do chemical analysis on them. That could either bolster our hypothesis or tell us we need to explore other possibilities."
Brown University:
Thanks to Brown University for this article.
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Green Blog: A One-Stop Shop for Water Worries
Water, or the lack thereof, is one of the defining challenges of the 21st century. As temperatures rise and droughts become more frequent, the threat of dwindling water resources worries not just environmentalists and governments but companies and their investors, too.
Nearly every industrial sector, from food and beverages to mining to pharmaceuticals, depends on water for its operations. Figuring out which places are likely to be hit hardest can help a company either steer clear of a certain region or plan ahead to minimize damage to its business or supply chain.
Now, a new interactive tool is at hand to help clarify those risks.
The Aqueduct Water Risk Atlas, just unveiled online by the nonprofit World Resources Institute?s Aqueduct project, maps the state of freshwater globally. The interface allows companies, investors, governments or any other interested party to visualize and compare water conditions, from the continental scale to the local one.
?As important as water is, we give it very little attention,? said Betsy Otto, the project?s director. ?We haven?t invested as we should in pricing, tracking and locating water in ways that make most sense for human economies.?
Ms. Otto?s working assumption is that if companies have the means to take water risks into consideration, they will do so. Many companies have already made that commitment, and some are partners on the Aqueduct project, including Goldman Sachs, General Electric, Bloomberg, Talisman Energy and Dow.
?For us, water is a strategic issue,? said Kyung-Ah Park, head of the environmental markets group at Goldman Sachs. ?We look at supply chain issues and disruptions which could have an implication on our client?s bottom line.?
The full version of the atlas, three years in the making, harnesses the latest geo-tagged scientific data to create 12 different indicators of water quality, including drought, flood and seasonal variability. The indicators visually overlay one another to create a composite view of aggregate water stress. The ecosystems layer, for example, highlights fragile habitats where freshwater fishes, amphibians and birds may live, while the groundwater supply layer ? the first of its kind to be included in such an analysis ? indicates places where aquifers might be drying up.
Not every user, however, defines risk in the same way, and the tool enables you to weight different indicators accordingly. Aqueduct also provides preset water scenarios tailored to 10 different sectors, including semiconductor manufacturing, textiles, and oil and gas. More advanced users can shape the maps to fit individual needs.
?Once a company develops a map to perfectly reflect its scenario, it can compare which places expose its operation to the highest risk,? said Robert Kimball, an associate at the World Resources Institute. ?We want the information to be out there in an easily usable, accessible way.?
The institute acknowledges that the maps are not perfect. Information is far from complete on global groundwater conditions, for example, and very few real-time monitoring efforts are in place for freshwater. The organization plans to gradually incorporate new findings, however, including remote sensing data and monitoring results from NASA satellites.
In April, it plans to release maps predicting the water situation for 2020; projections for 2030 and 2040 will follow.
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iPad And iPhone Apps For Real Estate Investors And Agents
There are many great real estate apps out there and this is simply the list of apps that I currently have installed on my iPad and iPhone which I find to be useful for real estate investors and agents. If you have a great real estate app for the iPad or iPhone that you would like to recommend then please do so in the comments section at the bottom of this article.
Real Estate Apps For Searching For Properties
The best and most used apps in the real estate space are those that are designed to help users search for properties. The big 3 real estate search sites are and I recommend all 3 of these sites for searching for properties on your computer but as far as their apps go they each have unique features.
The key benefit to using these apps is the location services built into your iPhone or iPad which lets your iPad or iPhone know where you are currently located. This enables you to see what is for sale around you when you are out in the field looking at houses. However in order for this to work you must have your location services enabled under ?Settings? > ?General ?> Privacy?.
As a real estate investor or real estate agent you are looking for a good deal on a house meaning a house that is priced to sell for you or your client. I find that searching using an online site like is a great tool to look for potential properties to buy or invest in. When I go out to look at the house, I use the app when I am in front of the house which allows me to see everything available for sale in the area around the subject property.
You can refine your search to show sold properties, properties for sale, properties for rent and you can also search by number of bedrooms and bathrooms. You can also sort by price, distance, open houses and how new an MLS listing is. I use this app the most frequently out of all the property search apps when I am out in the field. Here is a link to the app for the iPhone:
Zillow is currently the most visited real estate site on the planet recently overtaking the # 2 site in traffic (according to Zillow). Zillow is very user friendly web site for real estate investors and can be found at What I like most about it is that it uses different colors to show houses for sale, houses that sold and houses that owners want to sell. It also shows houses for rent which can be useful for investors that want to be landlords and know how much cash flow they will get on a property.
One key difference between Zillow and the other sites mentioned above is that Zillow is not the MLS. Many real estate agents do not even know this and are not aware that Zillow shows all properties not just the ones that are listed on the MLS. Zillow does not have any relationship with the MLS and simply gives information on every property (available for sale and not for sale).
Zillow even allows users to indicate a price that they would be willing to sell their property for with a feature called ?Make Me Move?. Many investors use Zillow as a tool to calculate what a home is worth and Zillow gives what is known as a ?Zestimate?. This is a useful tool but keep in mind that users can edit home facts and that the ?Zestimate? is just a ballpark estimate and the actual value of the property can sometimes vary substantially to the Zestimate.
Another useful feature on Zillow is the ?Rent Zestimate? which shows you what your subject property might rent for. Other useful features with the Zillow app are the ability to add notes and photos to any property that you are interested in and save them. You can find the Zillow app for the iPhone at this link:
Trulia real estate is another great real estate web site which can be found at We use the Trulia site and Trulia app very frequently in our office. One useful feature that I use often is the ?draw? feature which allows you to set the perimeters for your search. This is especially useful if you are limiting your search for houses to an area that is very specific and do not want to search for houses past a certain street, bridge, main road etc.
Another great feature with the Trulia app is the ?layers? feature which can be used to show heatmaps for crime, average listing price, average sales price, median sales price and average price per square foot. Another useful tool is the ?boundaries? feature which shows the boundaries to neighborhoods and zip codes. You can download the Trulia app for your iPhone at this link:
Real Estate Apps For Keeping Track Of Documents And Contacts
There are a lot of useful real estate productivity apps but I am going to tell you specifically about 4 that we use in our office every day.
Dropbox for me personally is hands down probably the most useful app out there for real estate agents and real estate investors. You can visit their web site at and you can download it for free. What do you do with all of your scanned purchase and sale contracts that are in pdf format? You can save them to Dropbox and then when you need to access them you can retrieve them from your computer, your iPad or your iPhone.
Dropbox works seamlessly on your computer and shows up as a directory just like your ?my documents? folder. Every time you put a document in that folder it automatically ?syncs? and saves that document online virtually in the ?cloud?. This is very useful for a number of reasons. If your computer crashes you will not lose your document.
You can have Dropbox installed on multiple computer devices and you can allow other users access to your Dropbox folders. You can even choose which folders to keep private and which folders you would like to share. Our staff uses Dropbox in our office for all documents and all members of our staff have access to our shared folders.
Once you download the Dropbox App then you will be able to access your documents from anywhere on your iPhone or iPad or any computer anywhere. We use this tool every single day multiple times a day. This is an awesome app and I highly recommend it. To download the app for your iPhone visit this link:
Docusign is another useful web site and app combination that we use every day. You can visit their website at This app is not free and costs $15 per month but if you are completing a lot of purchase and sale contracts or signing a lot of documents then you will instantly see the benefit of using Docusign. If you are a real estate agent or a real estate investor who is making many offers on properties then having Docusign can be a real time saver. And saving time means making money.
Instead of having to print out and then sign and then scan and save to pdf you are able to simply log in to your Docusign account and sign the document electronically. No paper, no ink, no paper jams etc. Docusign will save you a lot of paper and ink and is very environmentally friendly.
If I am on the road looking at properties and a real estate agent lets me know that one of my offers has been accepted and that I need to sign the purchase and sales contract immediately then I use Docusign. Using my Ipad I retrieve the email with the purchase contract and then using Docusign I sign the document and send it back to the realtor.
Docusign saves a copy of the signed document in my account and also sends me an email with the signed pdf. Compare the above to having to go back to the office, print a contract, sign it, scan it and email it. Time is money and Docusign will save you time and money.
Zoho CRM
Zoho CRM is a great tool for keeping track of all of your contacts. You can visit their website at If you want to sync your contact using their app you can get the free version of Zoho CRM and for only $3 per month you can connect and sync your iPhone and iPad with your Zoho account using the app.
If you are ever out of the office and need to call someone and don?t remember their number you will really like using Zoho CRM. One really nice feature is that when you access Zoho CRM from your iPhone or Ipad you can add the contact information to your contacts with the click of a button. If you are out and about looking at properties and you want to have one place to keep all your contact information then Zoho CRM is hard to beat. You can download their iPhone app at
Jot Not Scanner Pro
If you are on the go and you need to sign a document that was not emailed to you but you are holding in your hands (like a listing agreement, signed contract or lease) then a very useful tool to use in a pinch is Jot Not Scanner Pro. This app turns your iPhone or iPad camera into a scanner and can take a picture and convert it automatically into a pdf document.
We recently used this with a client who needed to submit a copy of their driver?s license to the title company. Instead of heading back to the office to make a copy we simply took a picture with Jot Not and saved it as a pdf. Then we emailed that document to our Ttitle Company. Here is a link to Jot Not Scanner Pro in the iTunes Store
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Global Business Travel Association moves into Russia | News ...
The Global Business Travel Association (GBTA) ? the voice of the global business travel industry ? has announced the formation of a GBTA Russia chapter.
The development of GBTA Russia means that the association now has activity and membership in all BRIC regions for the first time.
The launch of GBTA in this region will be supported by an Allied Leadership Advisory Board, which will be comprised of representatives from Star Alliance, Continent Express and Marriott International.
GBTA and the Allied Leadership will announce details of the business travel buyers chosen to lead the GBTA region as its Advisory Board and Regional President at a launch event, planned for 8th April at the Marriott Grand in Moscow.
GBTA?s senior vice president of global operations, Paul Tilstone, said about the development: ?GBTA is thrilled to be expanding our global footprint to Russia.?
?Russia is becoming an important and exciting travel management arena.?
?Establishing this region will allow us to work closely with Russian travel professionals, adding value through our education and advocacy while connecting them with their peers throughout the world.?
GBTA Russia will announce its schedule of activity at the formal launch event in Moscow on April 8th.
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Wednesday, January 30, 2013
Antarctic lake beneath the ice sheet tested
Jan. 29, 2013 ? In a first-of-its-kind feat of science and engineering, a National Science Foundation (NSF)-funded research team has successfully drilled through 800 meters (2,600 feet) of Antarctic ice to reach a subglacial lake and retrieve water and sediment samples that have been isolated from direct contact with the atmosphere for many thousands of years.
Scientists and drillers with the interdisciplinary Whillans Ice Stream Subglacial Access Research Drilling project (WISSARD) announced Jan. 28 local time (U.S. stations in Antarctica keep New Zealand time) that they had used a customized clean hot-water drill to directly obtain samples from the waters and sediments of subglacial Lake Whillans.
The samples may contain microscopic life that has evolved uniquely to survive in conditions of extreme cold and lack of light and nutrients. Studying the samples may help scientists understand not only how life can survive in other extreme ecosystems on Earth, but also on other icy worlds in our solar system.
The WISSARD teams' accomplishment, the researchers said, "hails a new era in polar science, opening a window for future interdisciplinary science in one of Earth's last unexplored frontiers."
A massive ice sheet, almost two miles thick in places, covers more than 95 percent of the Antarctic continent. Only in recent decades have airborne and satellite radar and other mapping technologies revealed that a vast, subglacial system of rivers and lakes exists under the ice sheet. Lakes vary in size, with the largest being Vostok Subglacial Lake in the Antarctic interior that is comparable in size to Lake Ontario.
WISSARD targeted a smaller lake (1.2 square miles in area), where several lakes appear linked to each other and may drain to the ocean, as the first project to obtain clean, intact samples of water and sediments from a subglacial lake.
The achievement is the culmination of more than a decade of international and national planning and 3 1/2 years of project preparation by the WISSARD consortium of U.S. universities and two international contributors. There are 13 WISSARD principal investigators representing eight different U.S. institutions.
NSF, which manages the United States Antarctic Program, provided over $10 million in grants as part of NSF's International Polar Year portfolio to support the WISSARD science and development of related technologies.
The National Aeronautics and Space Administration's (NASA) Cryospheric Sciences Program, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), and the private Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation also provided support for the project.
The interdisciplinary research team includes groups of experts in the following areas of science: life in icy environments, led by John Priscu, of Montana State University; glacial geology, led by Ross Powell, of Northern Illinois University; and glacial hydrology, led by Slawek Tulaczyk, of the University of California, Santa Cruz.
Sharing of expertise by the groups of disciplinary experts will allow the data collected to be cast in a systemic, global context.
The WISSARD team will now process the water and sediment samples they have collected in hopes of answering seminal questions related to the structure and function of subglacial microbial life, climate history and contemporary ice-sheet dynamics.
Video surveys of the lake floor and measurements of selected physical and chemical properties of the waters and sediments will allow the team to further characterize the lake and its environs.
The approach to drilling was guided by recommendations in the 2007 National Research Council-sponsored report, "Exploration of Antarctic Subglacial Aquatic Environments: Environmental and Scientific Stewardship," aimed to protect these unique environments from contamination.
A team of engineers and technicians directed by Frank Rack, of the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, designed, developed and fabricated the specialized hot-water drill that was fitted with a filtration and germicidal UV system to prevent contamination of the subglacial environment and to recover clean samples for microbial analyses. In addition, the numerous customized scientific samplers and instruments used for this project were also carefully cleaned before being lowered into the borehole through the ice and into the lake.
Following their successful retrieval, the samples are now being carefully prepared for their shipment off the ice and back to laboratories for numerous chemical and biological analyses over the coming weeks and months.
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The above story is reprinted from materials provided by National Science Foundation.
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Disclaimer: Views expressed in this article do not necessarily reflect those of ScienceDaily or its staff.
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Hard times can hit autistic children ? Health ? Bangor Daily News ...
It is estimated that up to three million americans struggle with autism, a disorder that affects the brain?s development through social and communication skills. Even though the population is increasing, not everything is known about autism, but more and more facts about autism continue to be well known. Roughly forty six million people worldwide have autism.
Researchers do not know what causes autism, but what is known is that people at the end of the autism spectrum tend to live normal lives just like typical people. However, people who have more significant autism, especially at the beginning or middle of the spectrum rely on life long institutional care, end up isolated living with parents, or unable to hold a career, and can end up on disability insurance.
Autism has a very broad spectrum ranging from a child that remains nonverbal for their whole life, up to brilliant engineers, scientists, and computer technicians. Some require more assistance with social skills, and independent living.
There are many spectrum disorders in the category autism. At the beginning of the spectrum is a disability called childhood disintegrative disorder. Childhood disintegrative disorder is a disability in which an infant makes babbling noises, and says clear words. But before the infant is two years ago, they completely stop speaking, and making eye contact. Most children with childhood disintegrative disorder never regain their speech, but a minority of them do. But their speech will be abnormal, and they will most likely be unable to function in normal life situations.
Another disorder is Kanner?s disorder which involves impaired speech, impaired social skills, and poor motor skills. A child who suffers from Kanner?s will have weak muscles, and not being able to ride a bike, and difficulties with physical activity.
There is also a disorder called Rett?s syndrome which is a type of autism where there?s all the symptoms, but also more significant sensory problems, such as sensitivities to loud noises.
At the very end of the spectrum, there is Asperger?s syndrome, and high-functioning autism which are both very similar. People with Asperger?s have normal speech development, but their lack of social skills is quite significant. Also, people who have Asperger?s syndrome tend to have sloppy handwriting, as well as mild motor issues, but not significantly bad like someone with Kanner?s. Many people with Asperger?s are unable to play sports because of their social abilities, and motor skills.
High-functioning autism is the same term as Asperger?s. However people wih high-functioning autism have speech delay, and people with Asperger?s have normal speech development. Also, people with Asperger?s want to fit in, but are unable to relate to other people, while a person with high-functioning autism can?t in such ways. But these disorder are very similar, and some people say they?re both exactly the same.
But no matter where children are placed on the autism spectrum, everyone with it still struggles with life skills way more than typical people. People on the spectrum should get as much support as possible, and deserve to be treated the same as everyone else, from their teachers, close friends, and family members who love them.
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Tuesday, January 29, 2013
15 Warning Signs of Workers' Compensation Fraud - Warren G ...
The WC (workers? compensation) insurance system is a no-fault method of paying workers for medical expenses and wage losses due to on-the-job injuries. While the majority of WC claims are truthful, the National Insurance Crime Bureau reports that billions of dollars of false claims are submitted each year. To help you detect possible WC fraud, experience shows a claim may be fraudulent if two or more of the following factors are present:
- Monday Morning: The alleged injury occurs either ?first thing Monday morning,? or late on a Friday afternoon but not reported until Monday.
- Employment Change: The reported accident occurs immediately before or after a strike, a layoff, the end of a big project or at the conclusion of seasonal work.
- Job Termination: If an employee files a post-termination claim: a) Was the alleged injury reported by the employee prior to termination? b) Did the employee exhaust his/her unemployment benefits prior to claiming workers? compensation benefits?
- History of Changes: The claimant has a history of frequently changing physicians, addresses and places of employment.
- Medical History: The employee has a pre-existing medical condition that is similar to the alleged work injury.
- No Witnesses: The accident has no witnesses, and the employee?s own description does not logically support the cause of injury.
- Conflicting Descriptions: The employee?s description of the accident conflicts with the medical history or First Report of Injury.
- History of Claims: The claimant has a history of numerous suspicious or litigated claims.
- Treatment is Refused: The claimant refuses a diagnostic procedure to confirm the nature or extent of an injury.
- Late Reporting: The employee delays reporting the claim without a reasonable explanation.
- Hard to Reach: You have difficulty contacting a claimant at home, when he/she is allegedly disabled.
- Moonlighting: Does the employee have another paying job or do volunteer work?
- Unusual Coincidence: There is an unusual coincidence between the employee?s alleged date of injury and his/her need for personal time off.
- Financial Problems: The employee has tried to borrow money from co-workers or the company, or requested pay advances.
- Hobbies: The employee has a hobby that could cause an injury similar to the alleged work injury.
This entry was posted on Tuesday, January 29th, 2013 at 1:18 am and is filed under Classic. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.
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Think preventive medicine will save money? Think again
NEW YORK (Reuters) - It seems like a no-brainer.
Since about 75 percent of healthcare spending in the United States is for largely preventable chronic illnesses such as Type 2 diabetes and heart disease, providing more preventive care should cut costs.
If only.
In a report released on Tuesday, the non-profit Trust for America's Health outlined a plan "to move from sick care to health care" by putting more resources into preventing chronic disease rather than treating it, as the current system does. There is a strong humanitarian justification for prevention, argued Trust Executive Director Jeffrey Levi in an interview, since it reduces human suffering.
But the report also makes an economic argument for preventive care, highlighting the possibility of reducing healthcare spending -- which in 2011 reached $2.7 trillion, just shy of 18 percent of gross domestic product -- by billions of dollars. And that has health economists shaking their heads.
"Preventive care is more about the right thing to do" because it spares people the misery of illness, said economist Austin Frakt of Boston University. "But it's not plausible to think you can cut healthcare spending through preventive care. This is widely misunderstood."
A 2010 study in the journal Health Affairs, for instance, calculated that if 90 percent of the U.S. population used proven preventive services, more than do now, it would save only 0.2 percent of healthcare spending.
Some disease-prevention programs do produce net savings. Childhood immunizations, and probably some adult immunizations (such as for pneumonia and the flu), are cost-saving, found a 2009 analysis for the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation. The vaccines are cheap, and large swaths of the population are vulnerable to the diseases they prevent. The cost of providing them to everyone is less than that of treating the illnesses they prevent.
Counseling adults about using baby aspirin to prevent cardiovascular disease also produces net savings. The counseling is inexpensive, the aspirin even cheaper and the costs of heart disease, which strikes one in three U.S. adults, are enormous. Screening pregnant women for HIV produces net savings, too.
Those, however, are exceptions.
One big reason why preventive care does not save money, say health economists, is that some of the best-known forms don't actually improve someone's health.
These low- or no-benefit measures include annual physicals for healthy adults. A 2012 analysis of 14 large studies found they do not lower the risk of serious illness or premature death. But about one-third of U.S. adults get them, said Dr. Ateev Mehrota, a primary-care physician and healthcare analyst at RAND, for a cost of about $8 billion a year.
Similarly, some cancer screenings -- including for ovarian cancer and testicular cancer, and for prostate cancer via PSA tests -- produce essentially no health benefits, causing the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force to recommend against their routine use. The task force bases its recommendations on medical benefits alone, not costs.
The second reason preventive care brings so few cost savings is the large number of people who need to receive a particular preventive service in order to avert a single expensive illness.
"It seems counterintuitive: If you provide care to prevent all these expensive diseases, it should save money," said Peter Neumann, an expert on health policy and professor of medicine at Tufts University School of Medicine. "But prevention itself costs money, and some preventive measures can be very expensive, especially if you give them to a lot of people who won't benefit."
If preventive care could be provided only to those who are going to get the illness, it would be more cost-effective. "But in the real world, the number needed to screen or to treat in order to prevent one case of illness can be huge," said BU's Frakt, who blogs at
Currently, many people who do not benefit from a preventive service receive it, paying something for nothing. Studies have calculated those numbers, which can be surprisingly high.
For instance, 217 high-risk smokers would have to undergo a CT lung scan for one to be spared death from lung cancer, according to a database of studies maintained by Dr. David Newman, an emergency physician at Mount Sinai School of Medicine in New York City. One hundred post-menopausal women who have had a bone fracture would have to take drugs called bisphosphonates in order for one to avoid a hip fracture.
By comparison, only 50 people with heart disease must be treated with aspirin for one to avoid a heart attack or stroke, making this a good buy.
The numbers of people who need to be treated for one to benefit are so high because so few will get the disease the preventive is meant to avert. It's like treating every house for termites, said Neumann, co-author of the Robert Wood Johnson report: The vast majority would never have gotten infested in the first place, so the thousands spent to avoid the infestation is money for nothing.
The failure of many preventive services to improve health, plus the large number of people who have to receive preventive care for one to be spared an illness he or she would otherwise get, limit the economic savings.
A better gauge of the value of preventive medicine is bang for the buck; that is, not whether it reduces healthcare spending but whether it buys more health than treating the disease does. "We don't ask whether cancer treatment or heart disease treatment saves money," said Dr. Steven Woolf, professor of family medicine at Virginia Commonwealth University Medical Center in Richmond. "But it is reasonable to ask how to make our healthcare dollar go further."
On that score, screening for hypertension and for some cancers (such as colorectal and breast) are good investments, he said, at less than $25,000 per year of healthy life. In contrast, such common treatments as angioplasty cost $100,000 or more per healthy year of life.
There are two glimmers of hope in this bleak picture. For preventive medicine to help rein in the nation's soaring healthcare spending, it should be provided someplace other than doctors' offices.
"Some of the most common chronic, preventable diseases might be best addressed outside the clinical setting," said the Trust's Levi, such as through wellness programs at YMCAs and health education and screening programs at houses of worship. "But that requires Medicaid to be more flexible in who they'll reimburse."
It also requires a more expansive definition of preventive medicine. The Trust suggests such steps as extending bus lines to parks so people without cars can go someplace pleasant for physical activity and other "community-based" efforts. These strategies save more money in healthcare spending than they cost.
For instance, at a program in Akron, Ohio, profiled in the new report, physicians and others coordinate care for patients with Type 2 diabetes. It reduced the average cost of care by more than 10 percent, or $3,185 per year, largely by reducing pricey emergency-room visits.
And at Boston Children's Hospital, an asthma program that sends community health workers into patients' homes to reduce the environmental triggers of asthma has saved $1.46 in healthcare costs for every $1 invested. It has reduced asthma-related hospital admissions by 80 percent and asthma-related emergency department visits by 60 percent, reports the Trust.
The other promising approach is to target preventive care at those most likely to develop a chronic disease, not at low-risk people. Such "smart" prevention increases the chances of preventing expensive diseases and saving money.
In contrast, unthinking expansion of preventive medicine is the wrong prescription, say experts.
"If you start giving preventive care to more people, many of whom won't benefit from it, it's going to be very, very expensive," said Tufts' Neumann.
(Reporting by Sharon Begley; Editing by Jilian Mincer and Douglas Royalty)
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MARK BENNETT: Forgotten Message: Advice from 'The Mick' should ...
The two comments were almost identical.
Almost 18 years apart. Our attention spans don?t last that long. If they did, we would?ve remembered what Mickey Mantle said. His advice and regrets would?ve kept us realistic about elevating athletes and public figures to role models. Maybe Lance Armstrong would never have resorted to using performance-enhancing drugs to win seven Tour de France titles, become a cultural icon, and protected that ?one big lie? through cover-ups and intimidation.
Mantle warned us.
We forgot.
Instead, this month, one of the world?s most recognized sports figures uttered virtually the same lament that Mantle did in 1995.
?I will spend the rest of my life ? trying to earn back trust and apologize to people,? Armstrong told television interviewer Oprah Winfrey, admitting to doping after years of denials.
The 41-year-old cyclist, who famously conquered cancer on his way to championship glory, looked distressed but far less broken than ?The Mick? did on July 12, 1995. The man idolized by kids in the 1950s was then 63, frail and recovering from liver-transplant surgery that he hoped had saved his life. Little did Mantle know that the cancer he thought he?d dodged was spreading throughout his once strapping body.
But on that day, sitting before cameras in the Baylor University Medical Center, a pale, gaunt Mantle vowed this ?
?I?m going to spend the rest of my life trying to make up.?
He died a month and a day later.
In those few days, though, Mantle came closer to heroism than at any point during his 18 incredible seasons as a New York Yankee, the greatest switch-hitter and World Series home run hitter in history. He made clear to parents and kids that his choices in a 40-year battle with alcoholism hurt a lot of people around him, especially his wife and kids, and ?shortened my career.? He tried his best to put the public worship of his baseball exploits in stark perspective.
?You talk about a role model ? this is a role model,? Mantle said, referring to his weakened self. ?Don?t be like me. God gave me a body and the ability to play baseball. I had everything, and I just ?? His voice trailed off, according to a New York Times recount.
Abject regret in the face of his own mortality, Mantle continued, fighting tears. ?All you?ve got to do is look at me to see it?s wasted. ? I want to get across to kids not to drink or do drugs. Moms and dads should be role models, not ballplayers.?
Moms and dads.
Not athletes.
That?s a convicting statement to millions of Americans. Do we become enamored with those able to throw a 95-mph fastball, hit a 400-foot home run, run 100 meters in 9 seconds, ?thread the needle? on a touchdown pass, ?drain the 3,? win at Daytona, or out-ride relentless cyclists on a grueling trek through Europe? Do the physical skills needed to deliver those homers and TD bombs equal role-model status in our minds? Do we hold their successes up as examples to be emulated by kids? Is such glory limited to athletes, or do those with wealth, power and social status receive similar adoration?
It?s our choice whether we answer that honestly.
Here?s what Mantle said at that same 1995 news conference ?
Sitting beside Mantle was his son, Danny. In an emotional voice, Mick said, ?I wasn?t even like a father. I don?t ever remember playing catch with the boys in the back yard. I was a drinking buddy.
Then, he added, ?I feel more like a dad now,? according to an archive story.
After a pause, Mantle bowed his head, muttered something under his breath, looked up, recomposed himself and said, ?I?m going to spend the rest of my life trying to make up. I just want to start giving back. All I?ve done is take.?
A year earlier, Mantle checked himself into the Betty Ford Clinic for rehabilitation. Upon completion, he wrote a first-person account for Sports Illustrated, and explained that he looked forward to being accountable. ?I like the idea of having to stay sober in public, knowing that people are watching me,? he wrote.
?From now on,? he concluded, ?Mickey Mantle is going to be a real person.?
Their situations are completely different. Mantle put a performance-debilitating substance in his body, and succeeded in spite of that, legitimately. Armstrong admitted to cheating and bullying those who dared question his legitimacy. Still, his challenge is to do what Mantle did at his rock-bottom turning point ? get real. Armstrong hinted at that when he promised to spend his days earning back trust and apologizing. In a story concerning the Armstrong saga last week in the Gannett Wisconsin Media, a minister said that through pure humility and honesty in that 1995 news conference, Mantle ? who embraced Christianity in his last days through longtime Yankees teammate Bobby Richardson ? presented the ideal way to seek forgiveness.
In Armstrong?s case, given all of the legal and personal consequences now cascading down around him ? including the future of the Livestrong Foundation, a charity he founded to support cancer patients ? he?ll need a Mantle level of honesty. That task transcends any race. As Armstrong acknowledged, ?I?m not the most believable guy in the world right now.?
Whether Armstrong can somehow regain some sense of honor, genuinely this time, hinges on his humility and honesty going forward.
?It all depends on people?s perceptions of Armstrong?s words and actions,? said Paul Trapp, faculty adviser for the student-supervised Honor Code at Valparaiso University. ?We really are a country of second chances.?
Valpo?s Honor Code has been in place since 1943. On every test, quiz and essay, students must write, ?I have neither given or received, nor have I tolerated others? use of unauthorized aid.? It exemplifies a system, self-maintained by the 4,000 students, to prevent cheating. It is strict, but contains a second chance. A first offense yields an F in that course. A second violation gets a student suspended. A third leads to expulsion. Trapp, who came to Valparaiso nearly 25 years ago, can recall only one third-offense expulsion in that era.
By contrast, honor violations among public figures have become almost routine.
?I don?t think anyone in our society today is surprised by these incidents,? Trapp said.
There?s a way Armstrong could surprise a lot of people ? be like Mickey Mantle.
Mark Bennett can be reached at 812-231-4377 or
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Czech election overshadowed by prisoner amnesty
PRAGUE (AP) ? With his rants against the EU and gay rights, Vaclav Klaus has been no stranger to controversy in his 10 years as Czech president. But one of his final acts in power ? a sudden prisoner amnesty ? has backfired so badly he's being accused of treason.
His portrait has been torn down in anger in schools and offices across the country in a rapidly evolving scandal that has cast a shadow over this weekend's presidential election and tainted the post which, while largely ceremonial from the grandeur of Prague Castle, is seen to carry moral weight. It could also swing the outcome of the runoff vote that began Friday.
To mark the country's 20th anniversary of independence on Jan. 1, Klaus used a traditional tool of Czech presidents and ordered the release of more than 6,000 inmates serving short prison terms. But what really infuriated many Czechs was that the decree also halted court proceedings in several high-profile fraud cases and financial scams on the grounds he wanted to stop "endless criminal proceedings."
The opposition suspects his main motive may be to protect people close to his inner circle, a claim he vehemently denies.
The controversy has touched a raw nerve in a nation that threw off communism in 1989 and has become increasingly angered by widespread corruption. Czechs, voting Friday and Saturday to elect a new president to replace Klaus, are waking up every day to new names of pardoned felons and shocking tales of people who ripped off thousands.
Bronislava Kupkova, now 86, took out a loan of 2 million koruna ($104,000) from a bank in 1995 to buy a house she never got. She had to work till she was 82 to pay the money back. And the culprits are among those pardoned.
"It's injustice ... it's not right. But tell me: what can an ordinary person who has never stolen anything and had to work all the time do about it?" Kupkova told the AP. The amnesty means her chance to seek any compensation is "close to zero," she said.
The frustration at Klaus, who polarized the public with his strident views on Brussels, gays and global warming, has mushroomed.
And his legacy ? as the economics professor who oversaw the transition to free markets in the 1990s ? will now most likely be rewritten.
A businessman supported by 17 non-governmental organizations called on the Senate on Wednesday to file impeachment charges against Klaus in order to "renew the confidence of citizens in the rule of law."
Almost 35,000 people backed the call online in less than two days. And a group of 30 senators has challenged Klaus' decree at the Constitutional Court.
Only the Senate has the power to file treason charges at the Constitutional Court. The senators plan to discuss next month what steps to take. Klaus' final term ends in March.
"We need to know the view of the highest legal authority in the country ? whether this amnesty, its content, is in line with the Constitution," said Alena Gajduskova, deputy speaker of the Senate who filed the challenge and called Klaus' move "unacceptable."
Both candidates in this weekend's election runoff have distanced themselves from the amnesty.
Karel Schwarzenberg, a bow tie-wearing aristocrat, is a sworn enemy of Klaus and has been at odds with the current prime minister, Petr Necas, who co-signed the decree. Schwarzenberg accused Necas of failing to warn the government about what was coming. Left-winger Milos Zeman, the other candidate, is supported by Klaus but has said the amnesty should only have applied to people for humanitarian reasons.
The prisoner release has come as a major blow for tens of thousands of fraud victims who have been seeking compensation for damages, including Kupkova.
"It's terrible," said Hana Marvanova, a lawyer who represents about a hundred people who lost their money in a bogus housing scheme. "They have a feeling of total lawlessness."
Three managers in that case have already been cleared. They promised to build homes for a thousand people but made off with the funds worth about $100 million.
"It took years to investigate what it was all about and this is the result: the perpetrators have support at the top levels in the country. It's impossible to explain that to them," said Maranova, a former anti-communist dissident.
Klaus has dismissed the criticism, calling it a "wave of hysteria" and an attack on him by his enemies.
That has not helped.
"Vaclav Klaus is leaving his office in the worst possible way," said an editorial in the Lidove Noviny daily.
The deputy leader of the opposition Social Democrats, Lubomir Zaoralek, said the amnesty is a sign that "the state stands behind organized crime." Zaoralek, who says several presidential advisers have links to some of those covered by the pardon, asked Klaus to reveal who drafted the document for him. His request was rejected.
As the Czech president occupies a largely ceremonial post, the right to grant amnesty seems inappropriate to many. But there are precedents.
During his presidency, Vaclav Havel, a much-loved dissident playwright who helped topple communism, used it three times. In 1990, he ordered the release of some 23,000 prisoners in an attempt ? criticized by the public then ? to draw a line under more than 40 years of communism that ended in the 1989 peaceful Velvet Revolution.
But to free those charged with corruption is the last straw in a country that has taken an increasingly hard line against graft.
Many Czechs have been showing their indignation with corruption in unusual ways. CorruptTour, a travel agency established last year that organizes trips to places linked to corruption, has been doing a roaring trade under its slogan: "the best of the worst."
Some 40 people joined the tour Thursday, braving piercing cold, frost and snow. They burst into laughter when Eva Cechova, a tour guide, quipped in front of the presidential office that the amnesty was "the biggest achievement of Klaus' presidency."
Vanda Koleckova, a 23-year-old student, was among them. She said she hopes the constitutional court overturns the decree.
"It's very Czech to make fun of the unbelievable scope of corruption," she said. "Humor is a way for us Czechs to deal with that."
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BNZ Demolition Resumes Despite Asbestos Risk |
Iain McGregor
INSPECTION: Workers in protective clothing examine BNZ House, where demolition has been halted.
Demolition specialists, wearing protective clothing?because of?the asbestos risk, inspected the roof of?BNZ House in Cathedral Square today.
The demolition of BNZ House was stopped last July 20 when asbestos was found on steel beams encased in concrete.
Specialists are stripping asbestos from the steel beams, but the Canterbury Earthquake Recovery Authority?(Cera) has no date for when demolition will be complete.
A spokeswoman said the?work was part of the?process that would lead to the building coming down.
Last year, contaminated demolition rubble from the building was stockpiled on a Hereford St site until asbestos was found.
The stockpile site was covered in tarpaulins and dampened down after the July discovery.
The BNZ House demolition also contaminated Hereford St, where loose fibres of the harmful material were found.
Traces of white and brown asbestos were found at five points in Hereford St and nine points on the stockpile site,?a report commissioned by Cera found.
Health experts say asbestos is most harmful if a person is exposed to high levels of the material over a long period.
Prolonged, chronic exposure to asbestos can lead to the development of various lung diseases, including asbestosis and a form of lung cancer know as mesothelioma.
It can take many decades after exposure for lung cancer to develop.
- ? Fairfax NZ News
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CSA Position Statement on Winter Storm Khan | Travel Insurance ...
Travel insurance providers often release position statements to identify how coverage applies to current events, most commonly when storms are named. The following is a position statements from the travel insurance provider,CSA:
Winter Storm Khan
Winter storm Khan is moving through the southeast and mid-Atlantic states today, and the National Weather Service forecast predicts that the storm will move into the Northeast. ?The storm is predicted to bring treacherous road conditions and complicated commutes. ?Ice storm warnings have been issued in southern Kentucky and eastern Tennessee, and winter weather advisories spanned at least 12 states from Indiana to New Jersey. ?Freezing rain advisories were also issued for northern Georgia. ?Customers are strongly encouraged to read their Description of Coverage or Insurance Policy for details regarding their available coverage. ?For plans that do offer coverage for adverse weather and natural disasters, please note that there is no coverage for this specific storm under any plans purchased on or after Friday, January 25, 2013. ?Please contact CSA Travel Protection with questions.
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Mixed Signals On US Online Poker - Online Gambling News
There?s a funny thing about a lot of poker people: they tend to believe what they want to believe. Okay, that?s actually true for every human on the planet. But poker people are very good at taking a problem apart logically, finding a solution, and then convincing themselves that they have it all figured out. That?s great unless their logic is flawed, in which case their conclusions can end up being a less accurate guide to decision-making than flipping a coin would have been.
?The Joker??Fan Art. Joker is a character on the Batman Series by DC Comics?
The NBC National Heads-Up Poker Championship is back on NBC this year and that?s got the poker elite happy as clams. The made-for-TV event, produced by Mori Eskandani?s Poker PROductions, was created after the poker boom took off and features a mix of legit Hall of Famers, big-name pros, the winners of the world?s biggest tournaments, online phenoms, and in some years the occasional satellite winner. With quick blinds and the atmosphere of a particularly rowdy game show, it?s not exactly real poker. But it?s certainly a spectacle, and one that fans have typically enjoyed debating and discussing even as they dismiss its credibility as a measure of poker skill.
Black Friday scared NBC off of the event for a year, but its return has at least one poker insider pleased. PokerFuse quoted Eskandani as saying at the draw party that ?when [NBC is] bringing poker back, it?s good news.? But it?s really only good news for poker pros and the people like Eskandani who produced boatloads of TV poker shows before Black Friday and would love to get back to doing the same. The PokerFuse article mentions the presence of brand marketing on the show, but despite Caesars Interactive gaining an intrastate license it isn?t live in Nevada yet. And the chances of it turning huge enough to be truly good for poker are still a long why off.
Why? Because Nevada?s senator, Harry Reid, couldn?t get the deal done on a federal online poker bill. POLITICO published a piece yesterday about Reid?s legislative fumble. After telling the gaming industry in Nevada that online poker legalization was his state?s ?most important issue? since the Yucca Mountain nuclear waste dump, POLITICO says ?Reid rolled snake eyes.? And they say the atmosphere has only grown more hostile to an internet poker bill.
The reason the Reid-Kyl bill was a mess was because it did nothing wanted to legalize an industry and hand monopoly control of it over to Nevada regulators, all without taking other stakeholders into account. Indian tribes and state lotteries were upset, as were 49 of the 50 state governors. (Guess whose objected.) Yet his spokesperson insists the senator will introduce a new bill this Congress.
If as Majority Leader he couldn?t strong-arm Democrats into supporting the bill, and as the senior senator from Nevada he couldn?t get his junior senator to help wrangle Republican votes, why should anyone believe that Harry Reid is going to succeed in pushing a poker bill in 2013? Has he been saving some sort of power-up that allows him to bypass the majority vote requirement? Has he struck some sort of crazy trade that simply wasn?t possible earlier this month, when he actually had the support of a high-ranking Republican senator?
That?s the real kicker: Jon Kyl, who had blocked online poker for so long only to strike a bargain with Reid last year, retired earlier this month. Reid no longer has an ally on the other side of the aisle, and that?s going to make it difficult for him to do much.
Just take a look at New Jersey and you?ll see why online poker isn?t going to come storming back just because a few made-for-TV events go back into production. Both houses of the legislature there have passed an online gaming bill and sent it on to Governor Chris Christie for his signature. Christie vetoed a similar bill last year citing concerns about the bill allowing ?internet gambling houses all over the state of New Jersey,? insisting that any bill ought to be centered around the ailing casino industry in Atlantic City. Now, with the 45-day window for Christie to sign the bill drawing to a close, the governor is saying that he doesn?t think the bill will actually help Atlantic City.
At least one writer out there thinks that Chris Christie?s presidential ambitions might have something to do with his sudden reversal of opinion on the benefits of online gambling. Earl Burton notes Sheldon Adelson?s sway over Christie?s Republican Party, pointing out that the mogul is proven to be willing to spend ridiculous amounts of money on political campaigns. Committing to a cause that Adelson rejects out of hand, when there?s no other upside to it for Christie, might not hurt his chances in a hypothetical presidential bid. But it certainly wouldn?t help him. And so it looks like New Jersey will once again take the back seat to Nevada in navigating the cutting edge of gambling regulation in the United States.
If senators and governors with multi-billion-dollar industries behind them aren?t powerful enough to get anything done about poker, there?s no reason to believe that the return of a poker event to TV ? no matter how high-profile it may be ? is good for poker. The poker boom saw Americans getting into the game after they saw on a television show, sure ? but they also had the game available to them no matter where they lived back then. That infrastructure isn?t there anymore, and it was the most important ingredient in the first place.
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