Friday, April 13, 2012


Snowflakes began to fall down from the light cerulean sky. The air slightly chilled, yet nowhere near the temperatures it had been for Christmas Eve just days before. The sun was just starting to rise for the last time this year, getting ready for the upcoming fireworks and celebrations happening later that evening. It was almost 9 o'clock in the morning, but businesses were already starting to reach its peak as people rushed to the stores for plates, spoons, fireworks, and everything else they needed for tonight's celebration. It was New Year's Eve. Stirred awake from the bustle of car horns and noise outside, Gregory was greeted a good morning by his dog Sandy. Sandy was a cute little thing, a pure breed golden retriever that he'd gotten for his 16th birthday. Really, saying the dog was 'little' was quite the understatement. The dog was huge, almost as big as Gregory himself. "Mom left for work already?" He spoke groggily, when his dog greeted him with a slobbery kiss on the check. Yawning slightly, he sat up on the bed, causing Sandy to jump back on the floor. The dog scampered off as soon as his job was done, and probably went outside to the living room.

It took Gregory a few moments to realize that it was New Year's Eve. He was half reminded by the noise outside, and, a few seconds later, with a text from his best friend Eric. There was a party today at his house, Gregory remembered. Ten o'clock that night a whole group of them were supposed to meet up at Eric's apartment. Eric was filthy rich; with a flat screen television, pool, pool table , Jacuzzi - pretty much everything. He lived in the far end of the city, near all the manors and large houses. It was 45 minutes away from where most of them lived, but none of Gregory's friends really cared. Eric's house was the place to be. Eric's father was some sort of well-known doctor in Europe, while his mother was an extremely successful lawyer. His parents were almost never home, so Eric had the house to himself. Usually he'd joke around saying that was perfect for other reasons, but Gregory knew that it could get pretty lonely. He looked at his friend's text, throwing his phone off the side of his bed. "New Years, huh?" Gregory said almost to himself. It was weird. Last night, he had a weird dream about a girl. He could really only remember bits and pieces of it, but it was rare for Gregory to have dreams at all. Well, everyone had dreams, but a dream that he'd actually remembered. He couldn't see the girl's face in the dream, but he remembered she was calling his name. Calling his name in a way that seemed familiar. Her hair was blocking her face, but she was running towards him in an almost desperate manner. The closer she got, the more Gregory was able to realize that the girl wasn't happy at all. The girl seemed to be crying. And then the New Year's ball dropped and it was over.

Shrugging off the thoughts as simply as a dream, Gregory let himself collapse on his bed once more. He hated the fact that his mother told Sandy to wake him up so early in the morning. Who wanted to wake up this early on vacation? He had a pretty messed up family if they wanted him to wake up this early. Well, really just his mother because his father had left them when Gregory was a baby. Head first on the comforters of his bed, Gregory fell back asleep. This time, he didn't have any weird dreams.

Gregory had woken up a few hours later, this time at a more reasonable time, to the sound of the apartment doorbell. He groaned lazily, glancing at the clock in his room. It was already 3 o'clock in the afternoon. Three o'clock with no breakfast or lunch? Gregory was starving. But, he decided not to move. He was starting to realize that spending the whole day sleeping was pretty satisfying. His bed was soft, comfortable, almost alluring him to stay. The odds seemed to not be in his favor, however, when the doorbell kept on ringing. Ding, Dong. Ding, Dong. It was like a broken record. The fact that he lived in a small apartment, and not a large mansion like Eric did, made it even worse. He could hear Sandy barking loudly as the door continued to ring repeatedly. Slowly, Gregory started to get up. He walked out his bedroom still in pajamas, his hair disheveled, and eyes tired. The house was still dark because no one had opened the blinds this morning, and rays of sunlight struggled to beam through the gaps. He walked sloppily to the door, which had finally stopped ringing. He looked through the small glass hole drilled on the door.

"What's your problem?" He muttered angrily, finally opening the door. "What?" He growled as soon as the door opened. To his surprise, it was Eric.

"Nice outfit." Eric snickered at his appearance, and made his way inside the small apartment without Gregory's permission, "Did you just wake up or something? It's like pigsty in here. And it smells like shit." He complained, lounging around his friend's living room and made himself comfortable on the couch. Eric was a relatively short guy, he had curly hair and an air to him that very easygoing and relaxed. He was nice guy, but can get on the annoying side pretty easily. Like now.

"What are you doing here?" Gregory looked at his friend, still standing by the door. "Don't you have a party to get ready for?"

"Ricardo's preparing for all that. " He replied simply, referring to his butler. To him, in wasn't exactly that big of a deal. "There are, only like - what, thirty? - people coming anyway. It's not that much." Sandy went up to Eric, sniffing him a little, before going back to his spot on the floor. Even the dog was used to him by now. Eric yawned, "Anyway, since you didn't answer your texts I came by to tell you that Isabelle's bringing this hot chick with her. " Isabelle was one of their friends, who was also Eric's girlfriend, "I mean I haven't met her but I've heard she's got a rockin' body." Eric made a face, looking at Gregory pointedly. He was obviously referring for him to hook up with her.

Gregory wasn't interested, but if it made his friend go away, he was willing to do anything. "Alright, okay thanks. Can you leave now?"

Eric didn't make any signs of moving, "Talk about rude." He got up slowly, "I came here to tell you that because I thought you might be interested. You know, since you might feel a little left out at the party." He hinted slightly.

"I don't need your sympathy." Gregory cut him off shortly, now almost pushing him out of his apartment. He didn't exactly want to talk about his love life right now. "Goodbye, Eric. I'll see you later." He pushed his friend the door. He liked Eric, but, really, sometimes Gregory wished he could just stop talking to him.

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